This statement is made under section 54(1) of The Modern Slavery Act 2015 and institutes JBS Gobal (UK) Ltd. slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2018.
Our Business
JBS Global (UK) Ltd is an importer and wholesaler of meat and meat products based in the UK. We trade in a variety of fresh, frozen and canned meat products to a wide customer base. Our products are mainly sourced from Australia, New Zealand, The USA, and South America, and are imported through UK and other mainland European ports of entry. Products are normally transported in containers on seagoing vessels.
Due Diligence and Risk Assessment
We recognise that due to the worldwide nature of our business there will be some higher risk areas within our supply chain from where we procure our products, particularly where the operations and management are out of our direct control. To mitigate the risks, we have built long and close trading partnerships with our main suppliers, providing integrity and security in the supply of our products. Most pf these suppliers, like JBS Global (UK) Ltd, are entities of the JBS SA Group, which further strengthens the relationships and trust we have in our supply chain. The business is registered with SEDEX.
Zero Tolerance in the Supply Chain
We have a zero tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking. We work with key stakeholders and NGO’s who have specific expertise in the Modern Slavery area to raise awareness of the Modern Slavery Act and have encouraged our supply partners to develop systems which would enable them to highlight areas of their supply chain which are most at risk of Modern Slavery. As outlines in our Modern Slavery Statement of 2017, during 2018 one of our main suppliers has completed the first stage of a ground breaking risk assessment project based on multi-factorial information. This project has enabled the company to map areas of high risk of modern slavery incidents and the data will be used to assist on the implementation of due diligence processes for thousands of cattle suppliers. This innovative approach pushes the boundaries of assessing human rights violations in the supply chain.
Our Performance
In continuance of our aim to mitigate and monitor the potential risks within our supply chains the company is pleased with the work it has carried out in 2018 in the areas of:
- Strengthening the relationship with suppliers in the context highlighting the issue of Modern Slavery;
- Continuous participation in Industry organised training days on the topic of Modern Slavery.
In future Modern Slavery Statements we will continue to report on all areas of progress, including the creation of a three year plan for our Modern Slavery Policy which includes the following projects for 2019:
- Creation of a Strategic Working Group to tackle modern slavery;
- Partnerships with Stronger Together to delve farm level due diligence system with one of our key suppliers in Brazil;
- Development of training on the topic of Modern Slavery awareness for all staff.
This statement was approved by JBS Global UK board directors and will be reviewed annually.
Marcus O'Sullivan Managing Director